What We Have Prepared For You..

Thyroid cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably in the thyroid gland, which is located at the front of our neck. Genetic factors, exposure to radiation, and certain thyroid diseases can increase the risk of developing this type of cancer. Paying attention to the signals your body gives you and not neglecting regular health checks are critical for early diagnosis and treatment.

Post 1: What is Thyroid Cancer? ✨ Thyroid cancer is a type of cancer that occurs when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably in the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck and produces hormones that regulate metabolism. Cancer that occurs in this gland can be treated with early diagnosis. Remember, listen to your body's signals! #ThyroidCancer #HealthyLiving #EarlyDiagnosis

Post 2: What Causes Thyroid Cancer? 🔬 Although the exact cause of thyroid cancer is unknown, genetic factors, radiation exposure and some thyroid diseases can be considered among the risk factors. Knowing the risk factors is important for early diagnosis and treatment. Don't neglect regular check-ups to protect your health! #ThyroidCancer #RiskFactors #SağlıkInformation

Post 3: What are the symptoms of thyroid cancer? 🚨 Thyroid cancer usually presents with symptoms such as a painless swelling in the neck, hoarseness, and difficulty swallowing. If you experience these symptoms, consulting a specialist can be life-saving. Remember, treatment is possible with early diagnosis! #ThyroidCancer #Symptoms #SağlıkKonlü

Post 4: How is Thyroid Cancer Diagnosed? 🩺 Methods such as physical examination, blood tests, ultrasound and fine needle aspiration biopsy are used to diagnose thyroid cancer. Having the tests recommended by your doctor is important for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Your health comes first! #ThyroidCancer #Diagnosis #HealthPrevention

Post 5: Thyroid Cancer Treatment Methods 💊 Thyroid cancer treatment usually includes surgery, radioactive iodine therapy, hormone therapy, and sometimes chemotherapy. The treatment process varies depending on the type and stage of cancer. A healthy life is possible with early diagnosis and correct treatment! #ThyroidCancer #Treatment Methods #HealthyLife

Be informed and take precautions to protect your health! 🩺


An abdominal hernia can be defined as the protrusion of internal organs due to weakness of the abdominal wall. Patients usually experience pain, discomfort and significant swelling. Ali Mistillioglu also suffered from this condition. However, thanks to the experienced surgeons at Eskisehir General Surgery, Ali opened the doors to a new life.

What is an Abdominal Hernia?

An abdominal hernia is a condition that occurs due to weakness of the muscles in the abdominal wall. Internal organs bulge out from these weak points and create a bulge in the abdominal wall. Patients may experience symptoms such as pain, nausea, and constipation. However, if left untreated, it can lead to more serious health problems.

The Story of Ali Mistillioglu

Ali Mistillioglu is a patient who has struggled with abdominal hernia for a long time. He applied to our clinic with symptoms such as abdominal pain and bloating. As a result of the examinations made by our experienced surgeons at Eskisehir General Surgery, it was determined that Ali had a giant abdominal hernia.

Success of Eskişehir General Surgery

Eskişehir General Surgery is a prominent health institution in the treatment of abdominal hernia with its experienced and expert staff. When our patient Ali Mıstıllıoğlu applied to us for abdominal hernia treatment, we meticulously created a treatment plan.

Our expert surgeons successfully treated Ali's abdominal hernia using up-to-date and proven methods. Ali's comfort and safety were our top priorities throughout the operation. Ali recovered quickly after the operation and returned to his normal life.

As Eskişehir General Surgery, we are proud to offer quality and success together in abdominal hernia treatment. By contacting us, you can get more information about abdominal hernia treatment and take a step towards a healthy life.

Abdominal Hernia Treatment in Eskişehir General Surgery

Eskişehir General Surgery uses innovative and effective methods in the treatment of giant abdominal hernias. We can successfully manage even serious and complex cases, especially in the case of Ali Mistillioglu. Our expert team conducts a comprehensive evaluation to determine the most appropriate treatment options for your condition and creates the best treatment plan with you.


Ali Mistillioglu left his giant abdominal hernia problem behind in the hands of Eskisehir General Surgery's professional and experienced team. Our clinic, which is a pioneer in abdominal hernia treatment, is proud to have successfully concluded Ali's story. If you, like Ali, want to get rid of your abdominal hernia problem, you can contact Eskisehir General Surgery and take the first step towards a healthy life.


Adrenal Insufficiency

  1. In case of removal of both adrenal glands, adrenal insufficiency may occur due to hormone deficiency. Symptoms most commonly include fatigue, salt cravings, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
  2. This condition can threaten your life, especially in cases of excessive physical activity, simple infections and surgery. When faced with such a situation, you should definitely inform your doctor that you have had adrenal surgery before.



  1. You can return to your normal diet after the surgery.
  2. There is no special diet program to be followed after adrenal surgery. However, in accordance with general health rules, you should stay away from excessively fatty foods and unbalanced diets such as only protein/only carbohydrates and avoid gaining weight.
  3. Do not rely on nutritional formulas suggested by people who are not competent in friendships or written/visual media. The real danger to your health is such unauthorized persons who mislead you.


Body Cleansing

  1. After the operation, you can wash the rest of your body, taking care not to get water to the surgical site.
  2. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise:
    • If you do not have a resistance, you can wash your whole body on the 3rd day after the operation.
    • If you have drainage, you should wait until the drain is removed to wash your whole body and wash 3 days after the drain is removed.
  3. Do not rub your wound while washing your whole body. It is enough for the soapy water to run over your wound. In the same way, when wiping after washing, just absorb the wetness with a towel without rubbing your wound.


Physical Exercise

  1. For your muscle weakness that has developed due to your disease after the surgery, non-heavy exercises will help you regain your lost strength over time.
  2. However, for these exercises, you need to talk to a physical therapist and work under his supervision. Never do uncontrolled heavy exercises and do not rush to get stronger.


Pathology report

  1. The pieces taken during the surgery are sent to the pathology laboratory for examination. Follow these reports personally and apply to the general surgery polyclinic as soon as you get the result.
  2. Your surgeon will present your pathology report to the council and you will be informed of the decision taken at the council. When you are called for council decisions, do not forget to sign your own section in the decision book.


General Surgery Controls

  1. If no other recommendation has been made by your doctor, the follow-up program you should apply to the General Surgery Polyclinic is as follows:
    • Your first check-up will be done within the week after discharge.
    • Subsequent controls will be notified to you by your doctor in the outpatient clinic.



  1. You can return to your normal diet after the surgery.
  2. There is no special diet program to be followed after breast surgery. However, in accordance with general health rules, you should stay away from excessively fatty foods and unbalanced diets such as only protein/only carbohydrates and avoid gaining weight.
  3. Do not rely on nutritional formulas suggested by people who are not competent in friendships or written/visual media. The real danger to your health is such unauthorized persons who mislead you.

Body Cleansing

  1. After the operation, you can wash the rest of your body, taking care not to get water to the surgical site.
  2. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise:
    • If you do not have a resistance, you can wash your whole body on the 3rd day after the operation.
    • If you have drainage, you should wait until the drain is removed to wash your whole body and wash 3 days after the drain is removed.
  3. Do not rub your wound while washing your whole body. It is enough for the soapy water to run over your wound. In the same way, when wiping after washing, just absorb the wetness with a towel without rubbing your wound.

Pathology report

  1. The pieces taken during the surgery are sent to the pathology laboratory for examination. Follow these reports personally and apply to the general surgery polyclinic as soon as you get the result.
  2. Your surgeon will present your pathology report to the council and you will be informed of the decision taken at the council. When you are called for council decisions, do not forget to sign your own section in the decision book.

General Surgery Controls

  1. No matter which clinic undertakes your post-operative treatments, you should not delay your general surgery controls. In these controls, other problems that may occur in your surgery site or other breast are followed up. Examination by the surgeon, ultrasonography, mammography and other advanced tests, if necessary, are of vital importance in detecting other breast masses that may develop in the future.
  2. If no other recommendation has been made by your doctor, the follow-up program you should apply to the General Surgery Polyclinic is as follows:
    • Your first check-up will be done within the week after discharge.
    • Subsequent checks will be notified to you by your doctor.


One of the most important goals of care after breast surgery is to restore the function of the arm on the affected side.


Avoid Arm Injuries;

  • Do not get a needle (injection), blood tests (blood drawing) or vaccination from your arm on the side of your surgery.
  • Do not cut the tissues around the nail of your hand on the operated side and do not have a manicure.
  • Always wear gloves when washing dishes or gardening.
  • Always use gloves in cold weather.
  • When sewing, use a thimble to avoid needle sticking.
  • Use skin moisturizing creams to prevent your hands from cracking.
  • Avoid insect bites, pet bites and nail wounds.


Avoid Squeezing the Arm;

  • Do not have your blood pressure measured on your arm on the operated side.
  • Do not wear tight-fitting cuffs and elasticated clothing that will over tighten your armpits and arms, and do not wear jewelry such as watches, bracelets and rings.
  • Do not carry heavy items, bags and similar loads with your arm on the side of the operation.
  • Do not make movements that require excessive force (pushing, pulling, rubbing, etc.) with your arm on the operated side.


Avoid Burns;

  • Do not smoke with your hand on the operated side.
  • Do not hold hot materials (pots, pans, kettles, etc.) with your hand on the operated side.
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure and use sunscreen creams.



To minimize the risk of grazes and cuts, use power tools or depilatory creams for arm and armpit hair removal.


Depending on the surgery; Undesirable conditions such as bleeding, infection, partial closure of the lung tissue (atelectasis), accumulation of air in the chest cavity (pneumothorax), partial loss of the skin of the neck (necrosis), scarring due to poor wound healing, blood or fluid accumulation at the operation site can be seen.


Recurrent Nerve Injuries

The nerves that move the vocal cords (upper and lower larynx nerves) can be injured or cut. In this case, depending on the severity of the injury, from mild to severe; There may be problems such as hoarseness, deterioration in voice quality, voice fatigue, inability to produce high-pitched sounds and rough voice tone, shortness of breath, difficulty in swallowing and escaping of the eaten food into the windpipe (aspiration). In particular, due to injury to the nerves on both sides and not being able to breathe at all, it may be necessary for the patient to breathe (tracheostomy) with a special tube to be opened in the throat. These complaints may last up to 1 year on average and may decrease and disappear in this process, in which case they are considered "temporary". However, problems that persist after 1 year are considered "permanent".



Rarely, in the case of injury or complete removal of parathyroid tissue, which is expected to be right next to the thyroid tissue and a total of four; (especially in the fingertips) short-term numbness, tingling, anxiety, depression and lack of attention may develop. The contractions that may occur can sometimes be life-threatening. In the long term, complaints of osteoporosis may occur.



Insufficiency (hypothyroidism) may occur due to the absence of thyroid hormones after surgery. Accordingly, the temporary period; fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, constipation and menstrual irregularities in women can be seen. The skin may become dry and rough. Hair may fall out, become dry and brittle. There may be distraction, lack of sexual desire and decreased fertility.

In rare cases, long-term deficiency can result in heart-related problems.

Rarely, the windpipe (trachea), esophagus (esophagus), or large veins just next to the thyroid (carotid artery, jugular vein) may be injured.

Rarely, the long-term enlarged thyroid tissue of the trachea may be softened due to pressure (tracheomalacia) and breathing difficulties may be experienced when exiting the surgery.

Thyroid crisis may occur due to the sudden release of thyroid hormones into the blood during surgery.

In rare cases, blood or blood products may have to be given.

There is also a rare risk of clotting or embolism and death.

If necessary, re-operation can be made for tracheostomy and elimination of some side effects such as bleeding, skin malnutrition, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, recurrence, residual, and tracheomalacia. In rare cases where shortness of breath is severe, a tube (intubation) can be put into the trachea until the complaints disappear.



  • Thyroid hormone supplementation is used, especially in cases where the thyroid tissue is completely removed (total thyroidectomy) or when the thyroid cannot produce enough hormone after surgery. Although drugs are usually used for life, they can sometimes be used for a while to replace temporary deficiencies. The dose of the drug will be adjusted over time according to your body's needs. For this reason, small doses of drugs will be given and necessary adjustments will be made by checking the thyroid hormones in the blood at intervals of 6-8 weeks. These trials will continue until the actual amount your body needs is found.
  • In cases where parathyroid hormone is deficient, calcium and vitamin D supplements can be given. The doses and duration of administration of all these drugs will be determined by your doctor as a result of blood tests.



  • You can return to your normal diet after the surgery.
  • There is no special diet program to be followed after thyroid surgery. However, in accordance with general health rules, you should stay away from excessively fatty foods and unbalanced diets such as only protein/only carbohydrates and avoid gaining weight.
  • Do not rely on nutritional formulas suggested by people who are not competent in friendships or written/visual media. The real danger to your health is such unauthorized persons who mislead you.


Body Cleansing

  • After the operation, you can wash the rest of your body, taking care not to get water to the surgical site.
  • Unless your doctor tells you otherwise:
    • If you do not have a resistance, you can wash your whole body on the third day after the operation.
    • If you have drainage, you should wait until the drain is removed to wash your whole body and wash three days after the drain is removed.
  • Do not rub your wound while washing your whole body. It is enough for the soapy water to run over your wound. In the same way, when wiping after washing, just absorb the wetness with a towel without rubbing your wound.


Pathology report

  • The pieces taken during the surgery are sent to the pathology laboratory for examination. Follow these reports personally and apply to the general surgery polyclinic as soon as you get the result.
  • Your surgeon will present your pathology report to the council and you will be informed of the decision taken at the council. When you are called for council decisions, do not forget to sign your own section in the decision book.


General Surgery Controls

  • No matter which clinic undertakes your post-operative treatments, you should not delay your general surgery controls. Other masses that may occur during these controls are followed up. Examination by the surgeon, ultrasonography and, if necessary, further investigations are of vital importance in detecting other problems that may develop in the future.
  • If no other recommendation has been made by your doctor, the follow-up program you should apply to the General Surgery Polyclinic is as follows:
    • Your first check-up will be done within the week after discharge.
    • Subsequent controls will be notified to you by your doctor in the outpatient clinic.


Silicone Treatment for Cancerous Breast

More than one surgical technique can be used in a patient with breast cancer. One of them is reconstruction with implant (reshape with silicone prosthesis). If there is cancer in more than one focus in the breast, if the patient diagnosed with cancer has also been shown to have a genetic mutation, if diffuse ductal carcinoma in situ (non-invasive cancer type) is detected in the patient's breast, skin-sparing mastectomy or skin-conserving nipple and areola-sparing mastectomy depending on the patient's current disease The breast tissue is completely removed and reshaped with silicone implants. Implant reconstruction method can mostly be performed as a single-stage surgery.


Is Silicone Applied to Cancerous Breast?

There is no harm in applying reconstruction with an implant (reshaping with a silicone prosthesis) to the breast with cancer. This surgical technique can be easily preferred in the appropriate patient.


To Whom Can Silicone Apply to Cancerous Breast?

If the patient's breast has cancer in more than one focus, if the patient diagnosed with cancer has also been shown to have a genetic mutation, if diffuse ductal carcinoma in situ (non-invasive cancer type) is detected in the patient's breast, reconstruction with an implant can be performed. In addition, if the patient's request is in this direction, it is possible to perform this surgical method by explaining the advantages and disadvantages of this technique to the patient.


How to Apply Silicone to Cancerous Breast?

First of all, the size, borders and localization of the cancer detected mass should be revealed. It should be determined whether it is in more than one focus. After considering these criteria, if the patient is a suitable candidate for reconstruction with an implant (reshaping with a silicone prosthesis), an incision is made from the breast skin and the breast tissue is completely removed from this incision. Then the implant is placed through this incision and the incision is closed with suture materials. If the cancer detected mass or masses are located far from the nipple, this surgery is performed by preserving the nipple and areola complex.


Breast Silicones and Cancer Relationship

No study or patient group has been shown so far to show that the implants (silicone prostheses) used today to reshape the breast cause cancer. It has been reported that lymphoma developed in a type of implant used in previous years. This number has been declared to be extremely low. After this development, those implants were no longer used. In our country, the use of implants with that feature is not allowed.

Does Having Silicone in the Breast Increase the Risk of Cancer?

Having silicone in the breast does not increase the risk of breast cancer or any other cancer.


Does the Prosthesis Used for Breast Augmentation Surgery Cause Cancer?

Prostheses used in breast augmentation surgeries do not cause cancer. Prostheses used in our country and all over the world are safe in this respect.


Should We Be Afraid of Post-Cancer Breast Aesthetics?

In the past, in all patients diagnosed with breast cancer, an operation called mastectomy, which can be defined as the removal of the entire breast, was performed. This type of surgery not only seriously damaged the cosmetic appearance of the patient, but also created a psychological trauma in the patient. However, nowadays, this surgery is almost non-existent. Instead of mastectomy, oncoplastic surgery or reconstruction surgery has become more common. Oncoplastic surgery is based on the principle of removing the cancerous mass in the breast in accordance with oncological principles and filling and closing the evacuated area using plastic surgery techniques. Apart from this, breast tissue removal and reshaping operations with silicone prostheses while protecting the breast skin are also used in suitable patients. Apart from silicone prostheses, it is also possible to reconstruct a breast with the patient's own tissue. All these surgical techniques both save the patient from cancerous tissue and make the aesthetic appearance acceptable. Therefore, patients should not worry about breast aesthetics.


Is it possible to re-make a breast for a patient whose breast was removed after cancer?

Yes it can be done. After the cancerous tissue is removed with appropriate methods, breast tissue can be reshaped with silicone prostheses or with the patient's own tissue.

about us

Our Mission;

It aims to protect public health, to provide the individual with the highest level of specialized, quality diagnosis and treatment services, by bringing together the information and technology required by the age, as well as to provide the necessary infrastructure support for education, training and research at high quality and universal standards.

Our vision;

To be a leading health institution where the most advanced information and technology is presented in an adequate and satisfactory level, in an enjoyable environment, which sets an exemplary model with its management, is internationally recognized and preferred, and where patient and employee satisfaction reaches perfection.

Our Values;

To be attentive, hardworking, smiling and respectful.


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